Tuesday 26 July 2011

Counting to 100

Two of my cousins were due to pay us a visit this summer. They were supposed to stay for a week to 2 weeks. Owing to unforeseen circumstances, it's unlikely they will be coming now but I had already been planning for their arrival months ago. The youngest is a little slow with her counting so I was making these for her so that we could practice and work through them together.

Counting Chart

Step counting in 2s
Step counting in 3s

Step counting in 4s

Step counting in 5s

Step counting in 6s

Step counting in 7s

Step counting in 8s

Step counting in 9s

Step counting in 10s

Come back tomorrow for some more worksheets/

Monday 25 July 2011

Mega Wordsearch

Son-Son, my eldest niece, was looking for a challenge the last time she came so I thought ... mega wordsearch. When printing these, you may need to use the finer settings.

The first is of Harry Potter characters. With the latest film, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part 2, it's sparked my nieces interest just in time to get her reading the whole set. She's flown through The Philosopher's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets and is almost finished with Prisoner of Azkaban. So this was intended for her, to push her just a little.

The second is of characters from The Chronicles of Narnia. I have about 3 weeks before Son-Son gets through all the Harry Potter's and Mi-Ami is not far behind her. In anticipation of the inevitable boredom during the remaining 2 - 3 weeks of the British summer holidays, I've put a copy of the Narnia Bookset in my Amazon basket and made this.

In no way do I intend to infringe copyright with these. The characters remain the property of their respective owners. This is for educational purposes only.